Weather is finally cooling down here in Austin, and it's the perfect time of the year to cozy up at home with your favorite furry friend and library book!
We asked Kimberly Meier, 3rd year MAcOM student and Library Student Worker to pick out some of her favorites and SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT! Both current students and alumni both have borrowing privileges, so if it's been awhile since you've used the library, go say hello and be the first to check out one of these gems.

Chinese Herbal Formulations: A Student's Notebook
Dongxin Ma, Ph.D. M.D.(China), L.Ac
RM 666 H33 M1 2002
What is it?
Literally the most needed herbal formulas.
Why do you love it?
Let's talk herbs for a bit. There is, in my experience, no easy way to remember and recall all the herb stuff that is presented to us over the 12 week terms. Our very own Dr. Hamilton worked with Dr. Zhou to compile the singles herbs students notebook, which pretty much what everyone here has and makes use of in one form or another. And it's amazing!
The problem I found was when it came to formulas, I was left to my own distract-able devices when it came to studying. I was again trying to figure out the best way to not only collect but organize and highlight the most important parts.
Thankfully I found this gem! Why reinvent the wheel when you can make use of the tools in front of you? It has 88 pages with an Alphabetical index, making it a succinct study guide. My only complaint is that a couple of formulas covered in class that are out of order in this book, but they are easy to look up.

Chinese Medicine for Americans
E. Douglas Kihn DOM
RA 184 K44 2011
Brief summary: A practical Understanding of the Language, Theory as applied to common health problems in 21 century United States
Why do you love it? It's a fun design, with color pops, images and questions to make sure you are paying attention instead of mindlessly reading. Also, if you get asked about the integrative advice for patients in clinic, this book has an amazing section on health counseling that will really resonate with the everyday patient plus quizzes and answers to check your understanding.

Katya Walter, Ph.D.
QH 437 W64 1994
What is it?
Katya Walter, Ph.D. examines the new nonlinear science of Chaos theory and finds there a broad new highway to God. At the deepest level of mathematical structure, there is a union of new physics (Chaos theory), new biology (the genetic code map), and the ancient wisdom of I Ching. Like I Ching, Chaos and the genetic code are both yin and yang - interplay of opposites.
Why do you love it?
UMM it has Tao and Chaos right in the title! but if you are looking for something less meta I've picked out two more clinical gems for you...

RZ 341 D18 1997
What is it? A professional reference text on positional release therapy
Why do you love it? I do a lot of physical work in clinic and have this in my personal collection from courses I took for continuing education I find it and excellent resource in super acute or chronic pain to assist in breaking that musculoskeletal spasm cycle.

RZ 251 A65 H36 1999
What is it?
A quick reference to understand and apply the basics of muscle testing.
Why do you love it?
It's an in depth guide to understanding pretty much everything about each individual muscle, how to test them appropriately and what physical complaints a client may bring to you. You will be able to test which muscle is having concerns, as well as innervations, solo and combined actions.
Thank you so much for this insider's take on our resources, Kimberly!